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What are the Differences Between Natural and Lab-grown Diamonds?

Diamonds are a popular type of gemstone used in jewellery, with the most common use being in engagement rings and bands. If you have been considering buying jewellery containing diamonds, you likely have encountered lab-grown diamonds. These are a much more affordable option, with qualities and characteristics similar to those of natural diamonds. But what are the differences between the two types of diamonds?

The Formation of the Diamonds

The differences between how these diamonds come to be are found in their names. Natural diamonds formed below the Earth over billions of years. The primary mechanisms of their formation include high levels of heat and pressure over this long period.

Lab-grown, man-made or synthetic diamonds are created in a laboratory instead of being harvested or mined from nature. They are made by replicating the conditions that led to the formation of natural diamonds, high heat and high pressure, or by preheating gas to turn it into plasma so it can release the carbon atoms used to build or grow these types of diamonds.

Both processes start with a “seed” diamond, to which carbon is added until it grows into a high-quality diamond.

Physical, Chemical and Visual Properties

Both types of diamonds have similar physical and chemical properties because they are both made out of carbon atoms. The main difference is in their visual appearance. You can differentiate between natural and lab-grown diamonds depending on the fluorescent patterns that appear as they are formed deep in the Earth or grown in a lab.

Do understand that the shapes of either type of diamond are lost after they are cut and polished, so you need an expert to help you differentiate between them.

Confidence When Buying

Since they are so similar and difficult to differentiate, you might wonder if you are buying an affordable lab-grown diamond for the price of a natural diamond. There are several ways to know if you are paying for the right type of diamond.

First, reputable diamond retailers like Regal Jewellers will tell you what you are looking at. If you need more information, you can always schedule an appointment with a gemologist who will provide professional guidance.

The second is by looking for an inscription on the diamond. Retailers and companies that grow diamonds inscribe the words “lab-grown” or similar to their diamonds so customers can know what they are buying. You do not have to worry about the quality of the diamond as these inscriptions are microscopic and can therefore not be seen with the naked eye.

New Diamond Colours

Diamonds have always been colourless or near colourless. As lab-grown diamonds have become more popular, some companies have started growing fancy diamonds in various colours, shades and hues. These colours come from the gaseous elements used during the production of these diamonds.

These coloured lab-grown diamonds are also much cheaper than coloured natural diamonds because of how rare the second types of diamonds are.

You might be confused about the differences between natural and lab-grown diamonds if you are shopping for a wedding ring, for example, or other jewellery that has diamonds. Both are physically, chemically and visually similar, with the main differences being how they occur or are produced and their price.

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